Monday, November 15, 2010


'more frequent updates', eh? maaaybe not. but i'll try to be better from now on, how's that? at least more than once every 8 months. :)

so.. loads have happened, again. Not quite sure even where to start this time. Maddie's turning 6 months tomorrow - 6 months??? Where has time gone to?? It was just yesterday we came home from the hospital,and just yesterday she was just a wee little package, not capable of doing much.

She's sitting up now, and waving when you say 'buh-bye'.. She's smiling, and laughing, and blows bubbles. Rolls over occasionally, and tries to crawl, and gets utterly frustrated when she's not getting anywhere. :)

I'll try to post some photos when i get home later today (if i remember..)

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