Wednesday, April 30, 2008

13 days left - continued

so.. ontop of all of the mass craziness going on at the moment, we've failed to get ahold of our friend who had promised to fix the wall at home, so.. me and S have been moonlighting as construction workers. :)

had my doubts when we started out last night, but.. as it turns out we actually make a good team, and the wall came out better than i had even dared to imagine.. and tonight i am making a small hack for one of the flat surfaces, we shall see if it works out well.

picked out primer for the drywall, an ugly white matte wall color for the hallway, and some trim for the sides. keep fingers crossed that this works out well, even if we've got to spackle the hell out of the seam between the 2 pieces i intend to use to fuse the chewed flat surface together... :)

c - being creative

13 days left

and the wall that scooby has chewed thru in our old apartment is almost fixed, just lacking a layer of paint and the new wood trims.
saw "Ironman" last night - highly entertaining! Highly recommended!

gas/electricity/internet and tv has been switched off, and i am making my way thru the looong list of last minute stuff to do.. 13 days left, shouldn't be a problem. :)

Had the pleasure to yap for a few with B last night, and we've at least decided to not live too close to the base, as they've got jets/airplanes taking off almost back to back.. yuuuck.

can't wait to leave.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

14 days left

and life feels a bit brighter today. :)


Monday, April 28, 2008

15 days left

and i am in a funky mood today.
the apartment here in CA has been completely emptied over the weekend, and me and the pooches now stay with a couple of friends for the coming 2 weeks.

it feels a bit melancholy to be leaving Cali. Feels strange to empty out our home of the past 5 years, to look thru drawers and closets to make sure the movers didn't forget anything, to wipe down the windows and spackle over holes in the walls. feels strange to look at the empty floors and imagine where we had our furniture, and to wonder what the future will hold.

This has been a place where we've lived, loved, fought, slept, cooked, had friends over, where the walls and closets have been bursting with our combined crap, where my soul has felt safe, where our crazy life in LA has taken place.

This has been 'home' for the past 5 years, by far the longest I've stayed in one place since I moved to the States.

the LA chapter in our lives is coming to an end, and today I am sad.


Sunday, April 27, 2008

16 days left..

and it's hotter than h*ll here in Cali... almost as warm as in Crete. :)

went down to the beach in Santa Monica for an hour earlier today, to try to shock my blue/white skin into acquiring some kind of color before I leave here, and now i am hiding infront of my computer monitor at work.

2 weeks left at work, 2 weeks and 2 days left. can't wait.

Friday, April 25, 2008

18 days left. :)

2.5 weeks.


i'd like to leave. now?

Thursday, April 24, 2008

alrighty... here we go again. 19 days left

so.. i managed to move my tickets up - thank you, Kiruna affars resor!!!!

and the countdown can re-start...


.c & b

Monday, April 21, 2008



so.. in the mess of things, at least i've got the paperworks for the dogs straightened out today. *phew*

stand by for more.. :)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

8 days left/29 days left?

keep fingers crossed tomorrow (Monday) for there to be spots open for the dogs on the 20'th of May...
that actually works out better in many ways.


Saturday, April 19, 2008

updates may be sparse from my end for a few days

as there's really nothing going on on my end of things, especially if I've got to stay here for another month, and from B's side of things, all is quiet.

so.. please stand by 'til we know more, or at least until he's got some way to update things from his end.

.me - lost my spirit for a bit.

Friday, April 18, 2008


nothing can ever be easy, can it? :)

*might* be in the states 3 weeks longer than expected, due to moronic rules and regulations.


10 days left

and i can't sleep for the life of me.
went to bed around 11pm, only to wake up from coughing around 2am, and it went from coughing to thoughts abt the move and how much there's left to do, in the coming 10 days. or rather - there isn't that much left to do, but it's all out of my hands - like waiting for the Vet papers for the dogs.. my Vet only works from sunday thru wednesday, what if they get the papers on thursday? oh well, hopefully there's someone else there who's able to take care of just stamping the papers and handing them to me.

won't bother y'all with everything else that's swirling around in the messy place called my head, i am sure i'll be back to my normal self tomorrow, pending some sleep tonight.

meanwhile, the dogs are snoring away, dreaming abt chasing squirrels and running in their sleep.

i'd like this move to be done, already. :)


Thursday, April 17, 2008

11 days left

B's safe and sound and miiiiighty tired in Crete, arrived around 1am local time on Thursday. Said from what he could tell so far the base seems really tiny but really nice and clean. Given that it was 2am before they even reached the base, it was kinda hard to tell anything abt the surroundings, but he'd had a chance to walk around the work area and what-not, and checked in to the temp housing where he'll be staying for a few days.

Updates from him may be kind of scarce, since - being the morons that we are - managed to pack his phone charger and the powercord to his laptop.. we're hoping they've got internet access at work, and he was gonna try to get ahold of a cell phone to use. :)

on this side of things all is calm. i work and sleep, and that's about it. just biding my time here for the coming 10 days. :)

and that's all for now.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

12 days left

poor, poor B is out on a nightmare flight over to Crete.. 5 stops, from LA to Crete.. Nuts. Including an 8hr layover on the east coast.

Meanwhile, i came home from work late last night (there really isn't much to do at home, in an empty apartment), and just passed out on our air mattress. Seldom have i had a deeper sleep than last night. Thought I'd have a hard time sleeping alone at home, but it certainly helps having the dogs around (and i think they're happy that i am alone at home, too, since they get to sleep on the bed with me. :) )

not much new to report, am on standby until B arrives. Fingers crossed for a safe flight and timely arrival, and for all the luggage making it on time too.

more later.

.c & b

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

on our way

so.. the time has finally come for our travels to begin. B left this am, and i am to follow in 13 days.

Craazy. I never thought this day would come, it's felt sooo distant, it's felt as if we've had all the time in the world left here in the States.. but.. the time is here.

we're going to try to update this little site as often as possible, with pics and stories and would love for you all to keep in touch. :)

.C & B