Wednesday, April 16, 2008

12 days left

poor, poor B is out on a nightmare flight over to Crete.. 5 stops, from LA to Crete.. Nuts. Including an 8hr layover on the east coast.

Meanwhile, i came home from work late last night (there really isn't much to do at home, in an empty apartment), and just passed out on our air mattress. Seldom have i had a deeper sleep than last night. Thought I'd have a hard time sleeping alone at home, but it certainly helps having the dogs around (and i think they're happy that i am alone at home, too, since they get to sleep on the bed with me. :) )

not much new to report, am on standby until B arrives. Fingers crossed for a safe flight and timely arrival, and for all the luggage making it on time too.

more later.

.c & b

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