Friday, May 2, 2008

11 days left

alright.. where in the world did time go to??? holy h*ll. When did May sneak up on us? It was just the other day when B called early a Thursday morning to ask if I wanted to move to Crete, and gave me abt .2 seconds to make up my mind. It felt then like we had allll the time in the world left before we had to pack up and leave. It felt sooo remote that we were actually leaving.. but.. lo and behold, I close my eyes for .3 seconds, and now I am almost outta here. B has already been gone for almost 3 weeks - nuts. Feels like half an eternity, and no time at all. I am anxious to leave, I am anxious to get out of here, and try to get some kind of semblance of life back, because living out of a suitcase just isn't much fun.

i am anxious to get to the island, to get to know a new town, to get to explore and find 'our' favorite places and meet new ppl, get new impressions, take on a new culture and new challenges. I am sure some days will be better than others, but.. i think it'll be good. no, i KNOW it'll be good. I just want to get there and start living again. :)


(oh.. it's B's birthday on Monday.)

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