Wednesday, May 23, 2012

been a while - again..

oh, wow.. it's been a while again... Life moves a bit too fast these days. I can't believe my little monkey already turned 2!!! Looks like last time i updated she was around 6 months.. wow. where to start then? :) Screw it.. I'll just start fresh. Too much have happened in the past 1.5 years to even start making sense of it.

I am still at the same company, work's going well, me and miss M just moved to a new apartment, a bit further from work, but.. it's suuuch a nice upgrade. Just about double the size of the old place, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, hardwood floors and fully renovated... It's an older building, but.. the apartment is fantastic. :) And.. for M's birthday last week we adopted 2 little kittens.. 2 flea infested scrawny little things, but.. oh, so sweet. They got a flea bath before i let them loose in the apartment, and got flea drops right afterwards, and they're already so much better. :) No more fleas, and they've put on a little bit of weight, and seem to be adjusting well.

And.. M looooves them!!! She carries them around the house, gives them kisses and hugs, and helps them to the litter boxes, like she's saw me do in the beginning. She can say their names 'weeeenn' and 'simpy' ;) (that's Ren and Stimpy for all of you that don't speak 'baby'. ;) )

M started pre-school about a month ago, and has developed SO much since then.. she's learned so many new words, she speaks SO much more now, she can sing the whole abc song and count to 10 now.. :) even if she skips the number six, every other time. :) She's still a bit upset when i drop her off, but.. she's only upset for about 30 seconds, and then she's off playing with the other kids.

And.. me? i am happy. Finally happy again. Much less drama in my life at the moment, so very nice with a peaceful life again. I never imagined I'd be a single mom, working around the clock, but.. we're making it work. M is such a wonderfully easy child, she's the sunshine itself, with an amazing personality.. If she'd been any other way, it would have been a whole different story. My job has also been wonderfully accommodating, with everything from letting me and her use one of the training offices for after-hours work, to letting me work from home if needed.

Her dad? He's living with a new family in Central CA. Reasonable distance away. :)

aaanyways... should probably try to get some work done.

I'll be back. :D Hopefully not 1.5 years to the next update. ;)

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