to give our dogs a muuuch needed bath... to wrestle them in under the garden hose, and shampoo them up, and get soaked when they shake it off.. to enjoy them CLEAN for one minute, until they both ran off behind the house to roll in the red mud.
i swear they communicate, too... i started off with scoobs, and while i was working on tay he was laying on the back porch, just chillin', drying off in the shade. as soon as Tay was done, tay ran up to scoobs, and they both, as if on cue, took off around the corner.. then they both waited until i caught up with them, at the end of the porch, and then they both dove face first into the dirt. and then took off running around, leaving red mud prints ALL over. :) not only did i have to wash them again, i also got to scrub the yard and the neighbor house's patio, and our back porch.
scoobs, who once was white and brown is now a multi layered shade of red. and tay, who once was black, is a very matte black/red color.. good times.
at least they seemed to enjoy being in the water for a bit, as that day was a sweltering 42 degrees outside.. and that's CELSIUS, ladies and gents. not farenheit.
bloody hot.
note to self - next time, don't let them off leash after bath. :)
1 comment:
so where are the pics???
holy crap, 42 degrees? that's worse than vegas:)
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