Monday, April 28, 2008

15 days left

and i am in a funky mood today.
the apartment here in CA has been completely emptied over the weekend, and me and the pooches now stay with a couple of friends for the coming 2 weeks.

it feels a bit melancholy to be leaving Cali. Feels strange to empty out our home of the past 5 years, to look thru drawers and closets to make sure the movers didn't forget anything, to wipe down the windows and spackle over holes in the walls. feels strange to look at the empty floors and imagine where we had our furniture, and to wonder what the future will hold.

This has been a place where we've lived, loved, fought, slept, cooked, had friends over, where the walls and closets have been bursting with our combined crap, where my soul has felt safe, where our crazy life in LA has taken place.

This has been 'home' for the past 5 years, by far the longest I've stayed in one place since I moved to the States.

the LA chapter in our lives is coming to an end, and today I am sad.


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